Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bout Day, x2

Today's my first away bout - my second bout EVER - and the nerves are kicking in like crazy.  It's just a mixer bout, with nothing at stake, but I don't know if that makes the derby jitters better or worse.  I don't know anything about what to expect - I've never seen this rink before, never met the host league, don't know who's in charge, don't know how they do things.  I don't even know what I'm going to wear!

OK, that last part should be easy.  I'm driving myself to the bout, so I can pick one outfit, and just pack all my other derby clothes in the car, in case I change my mind.  I'm also packing every spare wheel I own, and have lost track of how many extra laces are crammed into my skate bag.  I have two backup mouthguards - one fitted, one new - and I'm probably going to throw all my extra pads into the car.  Just in case.  And duct tape.  There's no such thing as too much duct tape.

Yeah, I have the pre-bout jitters. But I'm also really looking forward to it.  I think I had an epiphany of sorts regarding hip checks on Wednesday night, thanks to help from my friend Sick, and memories of Bonnie D. Stroir's summer camp.  Get low, stay low, hit hard, watch my elbows.  I probably can't bout with sponges tucked under my arms, but maybe I'll drive down there with them.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Roller Derby Crafts

"Know Your Jammer" beanie from Knockdown Knits
When I started this blog, I thought I'd write a lot more about the crafts.  After all, I'm a crafty-type person, and Roller Derby just invites making things.  But I haven't been so good about doing that lately.  There are a lot of things I want to make for derby purposes, but I haven't gotten around to doing all of them.

I've been collecting ideas, though, in another place, and sharing them.  I have a Squidoo lens called "Roller Derby Crafts." If you visit it, you can see a huge - and growing - collection of craft project links that could be useful for the Roller Derby skater or fan.  It's going to grow as I find more stuff to do - or as I do more stuff, so I recommend visiting frequently!

Available at
Do you like my hat?  It's from Knockdown Knits, by Toni Carr, aka Joan of Dark of the Naptown Roller Girls.  This is a whole book of Roller Derby knitting patterns, and I love it. Since the author is a Derby Girl, she knows just what you'd want to knit for roller derby. The patterns range from really easy to a little bit complicated, and she's been careful to use yarn that should be fairly easy to find (in the U.S., anyway), and that's usually inexpensive. The "Know Your Jammer" hat (and its companion, "Know Your Pivot") is easier than it looks, because you knit it flat, and then seam it up when you're finished. It's made of bulky yarn, so you can knit one in a weekend and have it ready to wear to your next practice! Knockdown Knits is just one of the "Things To Make For Roller Derby" resources I feature on my Squidoo Site, so if I've convinced you that it's worth checking out (and it is - I love it!), come see the rest.

What's Squidoo?  It's an open, free platform that lets you create tightly focused pages - called "lenses" - to organize and share information about whatever interests you.  You can check out Squidoo here.